Financial Services, Banks, Insurance Companies, Financial services or insurance product mislabeling or false advertising are also at epidemic levels in the United States. While there may be numerous new federal or state consumer protection laws related to financial services or insurance companies, there is still very little enforcement of existing laws by federal or state agencies. The net result of this lack of enforcement is consumers hear or see an advertisement about a terrific financial service, a too good to be true mortgage product, a banking product or service, or an insurance product, only to later discover they were sold a bill of goods. Did you keep the marketing literature and can you prove the financial service product was mislabeled or was advertised as providing a benefit that did not exist?
What Types of Products Qualify:
- Mortgage products advertised on TV, or in the newspaper–No closing costs, teaser interest rates-that actually did come with either fees, or higher than promised interest rates.
- Banks offering quote free checking, or no checking fees at all-that turned out to have fees.
- Financial Service companies offering everything from free stock trading accounts, to no fee IRA’s, or investment services.
- Healthcare insurance companies offering teaser rates to begin with, with almost immediate increases. Or a healthcare insurance company offering quote supplemental coverage that provided no benefit to the consumer, or all claims were denied.
- Standard homeowners insurance coverage that fails to cover actual wind, or rain events.
New Investigation: Banks putting deposits on hold, even though the funds have already been transferred to the bank. In this instance we believe the recipient bank gets the free use of the depositors money for days, or in some cases over a week.
We want to hear from all victims provided we are talking about national brand, the product was clearly advertised in a false, or misleading way, and most importantly the consumer possesses promotional material for the product, the actual advertisement, or a label that is clearly false, or extremely misleading.