Home Improvement product false advertising, or false labeling is a ever growing problem. One of the biggest problems is the home improvement product is branded with a well known US name, but the product was made in china, or the product was poorly made.
What Types of Home Improvement Products Qualify
Decking, or siding material that came with a lifetime guarantee-and the company failed to stand behind the product when a problem developed.
- National brand roofing materials that curled, or failed within a few years, as opposed to advertised life.
- Wood Flooring products that were sold in major home improvement chain stores that appear to be made by a US manufacturer-but in fact the wood floor was made in China, or the wood flooring product was so poorly made it failed not long after it was installed.
- Any type of plumbing part, or plumbing system that offered a specific lifetime, or warranty period, and prematurely failed.
- Any type of national brand name interior, or exterior paint, of primer product that offered a specific lifetime, and failed prematurely.
We want to hear from all victims provided we are talking about national brand, the product was clearly advertised in a false, or misleading way, and most importantly the consumer possesses promotional material for the product, the actual advertisement, or a label that is clearly false, or extremely misleading.