Press Releases

False Labeling Complaint Center Now Wants to Hear From Business Owners If Their Bank Put a Hold on a Deposit That Had Actually Cleared – Did You Incur a NSF Fee Because of the Hold?
WASHINGTON, Oct. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — The False Labeling Complaint Center is starting a robust national investigation focused on identifying business owners who made a deposit to their bank via a check from a client, and then suffered NSF fees because unbeknownst to the business owner the bank put a hold on the deposit-even though the bank had received the funds. For more information pleases contact the False Labeling Complaint Center via their web site contact page for more information. http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com
The False Labeling Complaint Center says, “We think there is a gigantic problem with banks in the United States of all shapes, and sizes playing games with the check deposits of small to medium sized businesses. Here is the problem in a nutshell:
- “Your business makes a deposit via a check – say from an out of state bank. Let’s say the deposit is over$10,000
- “Your bank tells you the funds will not be immediately available. Your bank may say five to seven days before the funds are available.
- “You then call your client to confirm if their check to your business had cleared their bank account, they make an inquiry, and the funds have cleared their bank.
- “So where did the money go? That is exactly what we intend to find out as well.
“We think banks playing games with deposits of small to medium sized businesses, and the availability of their funds is a huge problem nationwide. We intend to do something about it. We also think we can easily prove damages, such as NSF fees that were a result of these practices, and we want to hear from small, or medium sized businesses if the fact set we have laid out has happened to them.” http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com
Because of the size, and scope of this potential free float on a business check deposit the False Labeling Complaint Center is urging impacted business owners to contact them via their web site’s e-mail and provide them with the following important information- name, contact phone number, the name and location of the bank branch, and a brief description of what happened.
The False Labeling Complaint Center believes this bank check clearing stall issue to be a nationwide problem with thousands of businesses that have been impacted. The damages may include NSF fees, loss of use of funds that should have been available to the business, and potentially other damages. For more information please contact the False Labeling Complaint Center, if a business believes they have been a victim of these possible bank practices.http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com
False Labeling Complaint Center Launches an Initiative to Identify New Jersey or New York Homeowners Who Recently Got The Short End of The Stick on an Insurance Claim
April 8, 2015 The False Labeling Complaint Center is urging homeowners in New Jersey or New York to call them anytime at
866-714-6466, if they have had a homeowner’s insurance claim that failed to cover the loss, especially if the damage was a result of wind, rain, storm damage, and/or a plumbing leak. The caveats are the insurance claim must have been filed in the last two years, and the homeowner must possess documentation proving the loss.
http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com The False Labeling Complaint Center is launching an initiative focused on assisting homeowners in New Jersey or New York who have an issue with their homeowners insurance company failing to cover a loss related to damage to their home that was caused by wind, hail, rain, snow damage, and or damage that was a result of a plumbing leak. The Center’s only conditions are the insurance claim must have been filed in the last two years, and the claims amount offered by the insurance company did not cover the actual costs related to a repair.
http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com The Center says, “With this last winter, we fear there are many homeowners in New Jersey andNew York who have significant issues with their homeowners insurance company. These issues run the gamut from significant roof leaks, to pipe bursts, to even structural damage, or flooding of the home’s interior. We are eager to hear from homeowners like this anytime if they are having significant problems with their homeowners insurance company paying for the damage, or quite possibly underpaying for the damages.” For more information, homeowners in New Jersey or New York are urged to contact the False Labeling Complaint Center anytime at
http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com The False Labeling Complaint Center is also urging homeowners in New York or New Jersey to contact them if they have significant unresolved issues with their homeowners insurance company, if they have a lingering damage claim with their homeowners insurance carrier, again with the caveat being the claim cannot be any older than two years old. The Center says, “In this instance we can only attempt to help homeowners who have very complete documentation, including bids by licensed contractors to repair the actual damage.”
False Labeling Complaint Center Urges Corn Farmers Who Allegedly Incurred A Significant Loss Because Of The Syngenta’s Agrisure Corn Seed To Call Them About Compensation
The False Labeling Complaint Center is urging US corn farmers who allegedly incurred a significant loss because of the Syngenta Agrisure Viptera corn seed in 2011 to call them at 866-714-6466, if they incurred economic losses because of the corn being used. The Center is also very interested in hearing from corn farmers who allegedly took a huge economic hit because the loss of the value in corn prices, because of China’s alleged rejection of Syngenta’s corn seed.http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com November 24, 2014 The False Labeling Complaint Center is launching an aggressive initiative focused on trying to help US corn farmers who were allegedly directly, or indirectly impacted by Syngenta’s Agisure Viptera corn seed, and the alleged economic hardship this specific seed may have caused them, and they want to hear from these farmers at 866-714-6466 in the hopes of getting them identified for possible compensation. http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com According to Reuters on October 6th 2014, “In coordinated lawsuits filed on Friday in federal courts in Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri, farmers accused Syngenta of being reckless when it launched U.S. sales of Agrisure Viptera corn seed in 2011 without obtaining import approval from China, a major buyer. “The farmers, who did not plant seed containing the unapproved trait, claimed they suffered losses because the price of U.S. corn dropped when China began rejecting boatloads of crops containing Viptera corn last year.” The False Labeling Complaint Center says, “We are extremely interested in hearing from corn farmers nationwide if they allegedly suffered a severe economic impact because of the Syngenta Agisure Viptera corn seed either directly because they used this specific seed, or allegedly indirectly because the drop in US corn prices.” For more information corn farmers nationwide are urged to contact the False Labeling Complaint Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com For attribution please refer to the October 6th 2014 Reuters news article on this matter: Case number: Volnek Farms Inc v. Syngenta Corporation et al, U.S. District Court, District of Nebraska, No. 14-cv-00305.

False Labeling Complaint Center Launches New Initiative to Investigate Lenders Up-Charging Third Party Costs
Insiders at major banks and national mortgage lenders are urged to call the False Labeling Complaint Center with proof a lender is up-charging fees
WASHINGTON, August 14, 2014 The False Labeling Complaint Center wants to hear from insiders at major US banks, or national mortgage lenders who have proof the lender is up charging third party costs related to a single family home mortgage, such as a credit report fee, and or a mobile notary fee, because there could be rewards for this type of information. For more information mortgage industry professionals with specific proof are urged to contact the False Labeling Complaint Center anytime at
http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com The False Labeling Complaint Center is urging mortgage industry professionals, or insiders who possess well documented proof a major US bank, or a national mortgage lender is up charging third party mortgage fees such as credit reports, or mobile notary fees to call them at
866-714-6466. If it is a major bank, or publicly traded mortgage lender there could be rewards for this type of information. For more information, insiders with specific information about these types of practices are urged to contact the False Labeling Complaint Center at
http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com The False Labeling Complaint Center says, “There really is not as much oversight into the mortgage lending industry as most people would think after Dodd Frank, or related consumer protection laws. We believe up charging third party costs in the mortgage lending industry is a huge problem, and we think insiders with well documented proof could be rewarded for their information. “The classic example to us is a national bank, or mortgage lender charging $25+ plus for a credit report, when the report only costs $12.50, and or $250 for a mobile notary, when in fact the notary is only getting $100-$125, especially in states like California, New York, Illinois,Massachusetts,
Washington, or Florida. Aside from the proof being well documented the only caveat we have is the wrongdoing must have occurred within the last twelve months.” For more information mortgage industry insiders, with significant proof of wrongdoing are urged to contact the False Labeling Complaint Center at

False Labeling Complaint Center Intensifies National Initiative to Help Consumers Who Purchased Falsely Labeled Products from a Major National Retailer, Bank or Corporation
Consumer protection group believes very few victims of false advertising receive a requested refund
March 11, 2014
The False Labeling Complaint Center is urging consumers who believe they were intentionally misled as to the quality, or the viability of a product by false labeling to contact them at
866-714-6466, if within the last year they purchased the product, or the service. The only conditions are the consumer must still have the receipt, the consumer must still possess the packaging or promotional material that proves the mislabeling, and the product must have been sold by a major national retailer, a pharmacy, an insurance company, or a bank.
The False Labeling Complaint Center believes millions of US consumers purchase falsely labeled products, or services each year, and they either write it off as a mistake, or get stonewalled by the company when they ask for a refund. The Complaint Center believes what the consumer fails to realize is it happened to them, probably happened to thousands, or tens of thousands of other individuals, especially if the product was sold by a national retailer, a national bank, insurance company, or a pharmacy chain. The only catch the False Labeling Complaint Center has in helping these types of individuals is the consumer must have the receipt, the promotional material, or sales literature, and proof the product, or service failed to live up to expectations, as were advertised. For more information please contact the False Labeling Complaint Center at
http://FalseLabelingComplaintCenter.Com The group says, “The perfect consumer we would like to hear from is one who purchased a product, or service from a major retailer, a bank, a phone company, an Internet service provider, an insurance company, or a pharmacy, and the product failed to deliver the promised result, or the product came hidden charges, or fees. The product, or service must have been available in all, or most US states, and the consumer attempted on their own to get a refund, and was denied. These are the types of consumers we would like to try and help, and if this sounds like you please call us at
Did You Buy The Following Type of Product Sold Nationwide That Failed To Live Up To the Hype? * An over the counter drug, or medication that did not work. * A cosmetic product, or a health supplement that did not deliver the promised results.. * A financial service from a bank, or financial institution with hidden fees. * Any type of food product that offered nutritional, or health benefits that did not work. * Any type of energy conservation product that did not work. * Any type of cell phone, or cable program that came with hidden fees. * Home improvement products that were defective. * Any type of insurance product that came with hidden fees. * Defective building products that came with a warranty. The False Labeling Complaint Center wants to emphasize they are talking about consumers in any US state including New York, California, Florida, Tex
as, Ohio, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Nevada, Illinois, Pe
nnsylvania, Arizona, Kansas, K
entucky, Georgia, Indiana,Oreg
on, Michigan, Montana, Oklahom
a, New Jersey, Nebraska, Washington,
North Dakota, New Mexico, or New Hampshire. For more information consumers who can prove they were deceived by a national brand name company, and false labeling, or advertising are urged to contact the False Labeling Complaint Center anytime at